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GMT smart lock# has screened capriciousness become mainstream?
Date:2022-10-13 17:26:03

We have talked many times about the user perspective, and
the reason why smart locks with screens can become mainstream
is because they open up another perspective of life.
The screen is infinitely widespread.


GMT smart lock / product story hall
has a screen willfulness comes just right, because to see,
in order to better guard.

Chapter 01.
I am a full-time working parent with a baby. My husband is just like me.
Parents are not adapted to city life, and we are reluctant to let our children go to our hometown and always bring them with us.
Before the epidemic, I was always worried that I would not be able to pick up my children from school. Now that my children are taking online classes at home, I am still worried.
The biggest fear was that she would open the door to strangers.
Talking to the parents of the class group, many of them are also taking their children while working, and mentioned that smart locks can help. Someone rings the doorbell and sends a video invitation to the phone, and the child can see who is outside the door, and I can know when the door is opened.
Thanks to the technology, I can see it even when I'm not around.


Chapter 02.

@Cathy Women's safety issues cannot be overstated.
After graduating and working for five years, living for three years, being followed, someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night, and suddenly hearing the sound of a key opening the door, all three have been experienced, and more than once.
I started reading a book about women living alone, putting men's slippers at the door, buying wolf spray, and so on. In the end, it was decided to install a smart lock with a cat's eye.
After installing the lock, I can see if there is anyone outside the door in the middle of the night with a sound, I can receive a notification when the key is opened, and someone can also capture the lock when it hovers, fortunately, no one has been photographed at present.
I also learned in particular about the anti-coercion mode of the smart lock, which sets a police friend as an emergency contact.
With a smart lock on the screen, you can see clearly the night sky or the abyss outside the door.


Chapter 03.
@Fenghe An
ordinary family of five, just want to live a more comfortable life.
Mom and dad accept smart homes well, decorate new houses on the shopping list, smart locks are the first.
With a smart lock, it's not just about solving keyed anxiety.
Maoyan and video intercom can screen people who should not enter the door, and can also help parents communicate directly with couriers and delivery workers outside the door. Children feel that a few words can be said clearly, parents may not be able to, remote video intercom is convenient enough, do not have to save this money.
Thousands of WeChat transfers, it is better to install a smart lock with a screen on the door, which is reassuring.


GMT smart lock has a number of products with screen, fully automatic push-pull type has M5-M/M5-V/M5-FV, T6-M/T6-V/T6-FV, a grip with G3-M, more product information, you can pay attention to "GMT smart door lock", click the public account menu "door lock universe" - "intelligent new products" to understand.
There is a screen, and it can indeed be willful.

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