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Double 12 buy GMT smart lock, there are old people and children just choose
Date:2022-12-07 14:20:01

Double 12 is coming, the last wave of promotions at the end of the
year Friends
want to buy good things GMT smart lock has come to science popularization
again This time the purchase of knowledge dry goods
to users who are worried about their homes Please
scroll down to view


User families with elderly and children
It is recommended to replace the smart lock for 2 reasons First of
all, there are many people in the home, and a key per capita is lost
when going out, and if it is picked up by strangers,
it will bring the risk
of theft to the home


Secondly, the family's life behavior is different, the parents go out, the husband and wife go to work, and the children leave things at home
, such as mobile phones, homework, ID cards, etc
., forget
the key, and the family cannot rush back
in time, which is
easy to cause a lot of inconvenience

Generally speaking, the elderly are easy to forget,
so it is not recommended to use a password to unlock
Secondly, the elderly go out to buy vegetables
or pick up their children to take a school bag after school It is
not convenient to use fingerprint to unlock
Therefore, user families with elderly and children
It is recommended to buy a 3D face recognition smart lock

What are the specific functions of 3D face recognition smart locks

The 3D face recognition smart lock
is not only a single face unlock, but also comes standard with fingerprints, passwords, cards, Bluetooth
and a variety of unlocking
methods, which is very convenient
to use and no longer has to worry about forgetting the key

In addition, the standard APP networking function
, you can check the door lock switch record
at home at any time through the GMT smart APP
, and you can also send a temporary password
to operate remotely, which is fast and convenient

What are GMT's 3D face recognition smart locks

M5-F/M5-FV T6 series T6-F/T6-FV

are equipped with 3D face recognition function
, both series are fully automatic smart locks, push-pull switch locks
, no need to press the handle for
3 seconds to open the lock quickly, and you can brush your face
at night

.jpg face collection

What kind of door can be equipped with
3D face recognition smart lock?

GMT smart lock M5 series/T6 series
standard self-developed TRT smart lock body are national standard lock body
, suitable for more than 95% of door types
, therefore, both wooden doors and anti-theft doors
can be installed 3D face recognition smart locks


Before placing an order, it is recommended to take a photo of the door, measure the thickness of the door panel, the length and width
of the guide piece, and send the relevant photos and data to the customer service
GMT Jimendi store for confirmation before placing an order, and
you can make an appointment for installation
after receiving the goods

WeChat image_20221207133728.jpg

GMT smart lock double 12 promotion
on Jingdong/Tmall, search for "GMT Jimendi store"
all products are on sale, no need to wait for
friends who need to buy, don't miss it!

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